
We at Happy Lashes are extremely excited to announce that we will now offer Fibroblast/Plasma Lift services!

What is Fibroblasting?

Fibroblasting is a non-surgical lift and wrinkle removal method.

How is it performed?

It’s done by using a cordless plasma energy pen and through the sublimation process, turning gas in the air to a solid. As a result, it creates a series of small dots along the tension lines in the skin, which triggers an instant contracting and tightening of the skin that also promotes collagen build up in the area. Fibroblast is virtually painless and doesn’t require anesthesia. Numbing cream is used to minimize discomfort during the procedure.

Will I need multiple treatments?

Some treatments may require multiple sessions

How long is the healing time?

Dots will begin to fall off between 5-7 days after treatment. The skin will build up collagen that will continue for 6-8weeks. An immediate result is visible immediately after treatment. The result lasts ideally 1.5-2 years.

Some of the conditions which may be treated by Fibroblast include:

  • eyelid lifting/tightening
  • forehead lines reduction
  • crows feet lines reduction
  • wrinkle reduction
  • neck tightening
  • reduction of the upper lip wrinkles
  • stretch marks

***You must be a proper candidate to have this service performed, if you’d like to know if you qualify, give us a call for a small over the phone consultation! ****